Why 'Alliance'?
What is the C&MA?

Diamond City Alliance Church is part of the Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA).  The Christian and Missionary Alliance grew out of the vision of Rev. A.B. Simpson (1843-1919) who left a lucrative pastorate in New York City, after sensing a call from God to reach the lost masses both in New York and around the world.  Prostitutes, longshoremen, and the homeless received the reconciliation message that all people are eligible for Christ’s amazing grace.  Simpson also established the training and resourcing of men and women called by God to take the gospel to unreached areas of the world.  

 Today, the C&MA focuses on planting churches in the United States and overseas. Alliance international workers minister among the least reached peoples planting churches and training national church leaders, providing relief and development assistance, medical and dental care, and microenterprise projects. More than 2,000 churches in the U.S. minister in 38 different languages and dialects sharing Christ’s love to their communities and cities.

Learn more about the C&MA